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Ginkgo Biloba

This herb has been used to improve cognitive function for thousands of years. A couple of small studies have shown that it may be helpful in children with ADHD. A recent double-blind randomized study looked at adding ginkgo to a stimulant that children were already taking. Some children took ginkgo plus a stimulant, while others took a placebo and a stimulant. Those who took the ginkgo had a 35 percent better response rate in terms of improving attention. It had no effect on hyperactivity or impulsivity. I use 60 mg., twice a day, for children. Ginkgo Biloba is an East Asia native tree, historically used for cognitive enhancement. Its benefits for ADHD are that it has antioxidant properties that protect cellular membranes, DNA, and protein structures in the brain. Additionally, other components of this plant assist with norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitter function. One study concluded that there were improvements in ADHD symptoms in children who took Gingko as a complementary treatment to methylphenidate compared to those who did not

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