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Ingredient for Symptom ---->>>
ADHD Symptoms
Brain Power
Mental Health-General
Self Regulation
Sleep Insomnia
Waking up
Working Memory
ALA Alpha-Linolenic Acid
See Description page for full details.
ALC Acetyl-L-Carnitine
The amino acid acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is required for energy metabolism and synthesis of fatty acids. L-carnitine may significantly reduce the severity of ADHD symptoms; however, inconsistent findings and design flaws limit the significance of these findings. In a multisite 16-week pilot study, 112 children with ADHD were randomized to placebo versus ALC (500 to 1500 mg bid). Children in the ALC group with predominantly inattentive-type ADHD experienced greater improvement over placebo, but there was no differential benefit in children with combined-type ADHD.15
Alpha Brain
..Alpha Lipoic Acid Plus Acetyl L-Carnitine Antioxidant Supplement ALA ALC for Healthy Brain Function &amp; Muscle Strength, Focus, Memory &amp; Cognitive Function</p><p>Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCI 525mg, Alpha Lipoic Acid 225mg60 Capsules
Alpha GPC, L Theanine, Bacopa Monnieri, Huperzine A, Vitamin B6phanine
Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg
Arnica Gel for
Aryuvedic - Various
Ayurvedic medicine (the traditional medicine of India), has been used to treat ADHD, but western medicine has done little research on them. .
testting 6.16
Ashwagandha is a choice herb for addressing serotonin levels, improving attention and executive functioning, and helping stabilize stress response. Frequently, people with ADHD have anxious or nervous tendencies, making Ashwagandha an excellent choice.
Ashwagandha with Black Pepper
Bacopa monnieri
Part of Ayurvedic Medicine Bacopa monnieri is commonly used for cognitive support. Studies reveal that it has some positive results as a therapeutic intervention for children with ADHD. One study found success in kids 6 to 12 years old, using 225mg of Bacopa monnieri per day for six months. This resulted in a decrease in ADHD symptoms, significantly reducing restlessness, attention deficit, and improving self-control. It is derived from a plant also known as Brahmi or water hyssop. Studies have suggested it might reduce restlessness and improve self-control.
CBD oils - cannabinoids
There is little or no research supporting CBD oil�s effect on ADHD core symptoms�inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity�but there is evidence to suggest that it modulates anxiety. A 2020 review of research published in Biomolecules found that there are positive data from 17 randomized controlled trials and seven uncontrolled studies on CBD and anxiety. And there is a strong link between ADHD and anxiety: 30% to 40% of those diagnosed with ADHD either are plagued by worry in specific situations (such as socializing with people or meeting a deadline) or are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The fact is: An ADHD diagnosis leads to self�doubt and stress Best CBD products for ADHD: shortlist1. FOCL � best CBD for ADHD to support cognitive function.
Caffeine is perhaps one of the most thoroughly studied and widely used forms of self-medication among people with ADHD. In animal studies, caffeine consistently and significantly improved memory and learning.1 Meanwhile, a review of human studies found similar positive cognitive benefits, including increases in the following: � Alertness � Attention � Working memory � Mood and motivation � Reaction time The doses that provided the optimal benefits for ADHD patients were typically between 200�400 mg. That�s roughly two to four cups of coffee.
testing 6.16
Caffeine Tablets
There is little or no research supporting CBD oil�s effect on ADHD core symptoms�inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity�but there is evidence to suggest that it modulates anxiety. A 2020 review of research published in Biomolecules found that there are positive data from 17 randomized controlled trials and seven uncontrolled studies on CBD and anxiety. And there is a strong link between ADHD and anxiety: 30% to 40% of those diagnosed with ADHD either are plagued by worry in specific situations (such as socializing with people or meeting a deadline) or are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The fact is: An ADHD diagnosis leads to self�doubt and stress Best CBD products for ADHD: shortlist 1. FOCL � best CBD for ADHD to support cognitive function 2. Joy Organics � best CBD for sleep difficulties in ADHD 3. BATCH � best CBD for ADHD and focus 4. House of Wise � best CBD oil for stress relief in ADHD 5. Elevate � best cost-effective CBD for ADHD
Chinese Medicine
DHA DocosaHexaenoic Acid
DL-phenylalanine as DLPA
Daily Essential Nutrients
Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN) is made by Hardy Nutritionals. In three double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trials, the micronutrients in this formulation reduced impairment and improved inattention, emotional and mood regulation, aggression and overall functioning. DEN did not improve hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. The downside is that it is expensive, and for optimal efficacy, a child has to take 12 pills a day (the vitamins are also available in flavored ...Methylene Blue with Vitamin C - Memory Booster - Improves Cognitive Function and Focus - Clear Thoughts and Reduced Fog - 1oz&nbsp; Liquid Supplement
EPA eicosapentaenoic acid
EPA, DHA, Omega-3, 1400mg capsule
Numerous studies, including two meta-analyses, have found benefit in the area of hyperactivity, attention, or impulsivity. [Get This Free Resource: Everyday Foods Filled with Omega-3s] Finding the best omega 3 supplement is a different story. Despite all the studies on omega-3s, questions remain about the optimal dose and how to give it. The important omega-3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA, which are listed on most product labels. I recommend a total of 1,000 mg. of EPA plus DHA (add the two together) for smaller children, 2,000 mg. for adolescents, and 1,500 mg. for those in between. There should be 1.5 to 2 times as much EPA as DHA. Most omega-3 gummies don�t provide these higher levels, so your best option is to give your child capsules or a liquid. For children who are vegetarian, algae oil is available, but it requires large doses to get enough EPA and DHA. A related supplement is phosphatidylserine. This is a type of molecule derived from fatty acids that plays an important role in cell signaling. A couple of small studies indicate it might be helpful for ADHD. My clinical experience is that the benefits have not been impressive. It can be taken on its own or in conjunction with a fish oil supplement.
Electrolyte Boost with Cognizen
Electrolyte Hydration Multiplier
Essential Oils
Examples: Lavender,Vetiver,Rosemary
Fish Oil Omega-3 +Plus
Folic Acid
GABA 5-HTP Gummies
Omega-3s are unsaturated fatty acids that provide health benefits. Three primary essential fatty acids fall into this category: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Pertaining to ADHD, these nutrients provide building blocks for brain function and health. The brain contains neurons, or nerve cells, which fire signals through networks in the brain. The nerve-firing action releases neurotransmitters like serotonin. ...-HTP GABA Gummies - Melatonin Free Gummies, Extra Strength 900mg Complex for Health Rest Cycle, Banana Extract, L-Theanine, L-Tryptophan, Omega-3-6-9 for Natural Zzz, Brain Relax,Delicious&nbsp; 60/each
GABA Taurine Inositol
Ginkgo Biloba
This herb has been used to improve cognitive function for thousands of years. A couple of small studies have shown that it may be helpful in children with ADHD. A recent double-blind randomized study looked at adding ginkgo to a stimulant that children were already taking. Some children took ginkgo plus a stimulant, while others took a placebo and a stimulant. Those who took the ginkgo had a 35 percent better response rate in terms of improving attention. It had no effect on hyperactivity or impulsivity. I use 60 mg., twice a day, for children. Ginkgo Biloba is an East Asia native tree, historically used for cognitive enhancement. Its benefits for ADHD are that it has antioxidant properties that protect cellular membranes, DNA, and protein structures in the brain. Additionally, other components of this plant assist with norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitter function. One study concluded that there were improvements in ADHD symptoms in children who took Gingko as a complementary treatment to methylphenidate compared to those who did not
Ginseng Vegan
St. Johns Wort,Gotu Kola, Bacopa, Korean red ginseng, ginkgo biloba, French maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol). and bacopa monnieri. ...USDA Organic Red Korean Panax Ginseng 20:1 Extract, 8000 mg Strength, 5% Ginsenosides, 120 Vegan Capsules, Standardized and Concentrated 20X Root Extract, 100% Vegetarian, All-Natural, Non-GMO 120/Bottle
Gotu Kola
Gotu kola and Bacopa re part of Ayurvedic Medicine
Hemp seed oil, 5-Hydroxytryptophan, Omega 3,6 and 9, Vitamin B, Taurine, L Tyros
Hemp gummies infused with a serotonin booster to ease stress, promote calm and assist anyone struggling with concentration and focus. 60/Bottle
Hemp seed oil, 5-Hydroxytryptophan, Omega 3,6 and 9, Vitamin B, Taurine, L Tyros
Hemp gummies infused with a serotonin booster to ease stress, promote calm and assist anyone struggling with concentration and focus. 60/Bottle
Herbs - Various
Has not been proven to help ADHD
Inositol is found in very small amounts in many foods. In concentrated doses, it helps to counter agitation and anxiety. I recommend 12-18 grams a day divided into two or three doses for adults. The dose for kids would be calculated based on their mass.
Inositol is found in very small amounts in many foods. In concentrated doses, it helps to counter agitation and anxiety. I recommend 12-18 grams a day divided into two or three doses for adults. The dose for kids would be calculated based on their mass.
L-Theanine and Suntheanine LT-ST
Double Strength L-Theanine and Suntheanine&nbsp;Softgel supplement. You may have heard about L-Theanine but not Suntheanine. Suntheanine is a patented, high-purity, L-isomer form of the amino acid L-theanine. 200mg per serving, 60ct&nbsp;(120ct&nbsp;available upon request) Order Formula DS-LT-ST.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>More information here:</p><p></p><p>
L-Theanine, Caffeine, & Coconut MCT Oil
A 2019 studyTrusted Source on the impact of L-theanine and caffeine in five children with ADHD suggests that the amino acid may boost attention span and decrease mind wandering. Taking a supplement with L-theanine or both ingredients may help relieve these ADHD symptoms. Still, it�s important to keep in mind that this study was very small, and what works for some people may not work for others. ...Focused Energy, Alertness &amp; Relaxation Without Drowsiness . One of the few supplements that contains Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) for anxiety.</p><p>200mg L Theanine, 100mg Organic Caffeine - 60 Liquid Softgels/Bottle</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Research documents here.</p><p></p>
L-Theanine, GABA, Fish Oil, Vitamin B6,Magnesium, and Skullcap
This Mental Health Food supplement contains a powerful blend of GABA, L-Theanine, and Omega-3-rich fish oil sourced from anchovy, sardine, mackerel, and herring to support brain health and mood regulation. The addition of Vitamin B helps promote healthy nervous system function and increase energy levels. Boltered by Magnesium bisglycinate , this&nbsp;formula is a natural, non-addictive way to help calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve overall cognitive function. It is an ideal product for those looking to improve their mental wellbeing.
L-Tyrosine Aromatic Amino Acids
Lavender Oil
An older Ph.D. study from the University of Minnesota suggested that lavender can help people sleep. However, there appears to be little further evidence to support this, although anecdotal reports claim it works.
Low levels of the mineral iron can be a significant problem in children with ADHD. Studies have shown that iron is crucial for normal brain function, and that treating with supplemental iron can improve ADHD symptoms
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) won�t dramatically impact your health, but consuming them can help reduce some cholesterol and blood sugar, give your brain energy, and support weight loss and exercise.
This mineral won�t directly improve attention, but it can calm hyperactivity and agitation, which compromise attention. I find magnesium helpful for children who have a �rebound effect� after their stimulant medication wears off. A child can safely take 100-300 mg. of elemental magnesium twice daily in the form of magnesium glycinate, citrate, or chelate. The citrate form tends to lead to loose stools.Magnesium Threonate
Has not been found to improve adhd symptoms
Methylene Blue with Vitamin C
Methylene Blue with Vitamin C
Micronutrient Complex
Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN) is made by Hardy Nutritionals. In three double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trials, the micronutrients in this formulation reduced impairment and improved inattention, emotional and mood regulation, aggression and overall functioning. DEN did not improve hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. The downside is that it is expensive, and for optimal efficacy, a child has to take 12 pills a day (the vitamins are also available in flavored ...Methylene Blue with Vitamin C - Memory Booster - Improves Cognitive Function and Focus - Clear Thoughts and Reduced Fog - 1oz  Liquid Supplement
Mindfulness and Meditation
For some people, it takes intentionality to calm the mind down. In ADHD, many people describe their brain as a �hampster wheel.� They have racing thoughts and feel as if they are bouncing from one thought to another. Mindfulness and meditation are two practices that require you to be intentional about your thoughts and engage in calming down your brain. This promotes present-moment thought processing, focusing on bringing your mind and body back into awareness when your thoughts begin floating off into other areas.
Mindfulness practices for ADHD show that it has the capacity to improve attention, which ultimately can improve task completion, impulse control, and self-regulation. A simple technique you can try at home is to take 5 minutes per day to just sit in silence. With your eyes closed and your intention set on one topic, see how many items or concepts your mind wanders to. Each time you catch your mind wandering, bring yourself back into awareness of the original topic. Over time, this should become easier, and the amount of time you can withstand should become longer.
It is important that children with ADHD have adequate amounts of a wide range of vitamins and minerals, but until recently, there has been little research suggesting that taking a multivitamin/multimineral was helpful for ADHD. Research indicates that a specific multivitamin/multimineral combination is effective for kids who have ADHD and emotional dysregulation, often displayed by oppositional children. Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN) is made by Hardy Nutritionals. In three double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trials, the micronutrients in this formulation reduced impairment and improved inattention, emotional and mood regulation, aggression and overall functioning. DEN did not improve hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. The downside is that it is expensive, and for optimal efficacy, a child has to take 12 pills a day (the vitamins are also available in flavored
Neutropics (...keep scrolling)
This entry will be expanded.
A Chinese remedy that may help reduce some ADHD symptoms. ...
It is important that children with ADHD have adequate amounts of a wide range of vitamins and minerals, but until recently, there has been little research suggesting that taking a multivitamin/multimineral was helpful for ADHD. Research indicates that a specific multivitamin/multimineral combination is effective for kids who have ADHD and emotional dysregulation, often displayed by oppositional children. Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN) is made by Hardy Nutritionals. In three double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trials, the micronutrients in this formulation reduced impairment and improved inattention, emotional and mood regulation, aggression and overall functioning. DEN did not improve hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. The downside is that it is expensive, and for optimal efficacy, a child has to take 12 pills a day (the vitamins are also available in flavored
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3s are unsaturated fatty acids that provide health benefits. Three primary essential fatty acids fall into this category: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Pertaining to ADHD, these nutrients provide building blocks for brain function and health. The brain contains neurons, or nerve cells, which fire signals through networks in the brain. The nerve-firing action releases neurotransmitters like serotonin. ...-HTP GABA Gummies - Melatonin Free Gummies, Extra Strength 900mg Complex for Health Rest Cycle, Banana Extract, L-Theanine, L-Tryptophan, Omega-3-6-9 for Natural Zzz, Brain Relax,Delicious&nbsp; 60/each
Panax quinquefolium
Passion flower extract
In terms of herbs, one small study found passionflower extract to be comparable to methylphenidate in treating ADHD symptoms.
Passionflower extract
Phosphoricum Acidum
Homeopathic medicine for poor concentration</p><p>Non-Drowsy, no known side effects, no known drug interactions</p><p>Uses a highly diluted natural substances to relieve symptoms.</p><p>&nbsp;Quick-dissolving pellets. 200k, 80ct
Physical Exercise
Pinus pinaster(Pycogenol)
findings suggest that a standardized extract of Pinus pinaster (pycnogenol) bark may be beneficial for ADHD; however, only one controlled study has been published.19 Children and adolescents who received pycnogenol for one month experienced non-significant improvements in inattention, improved visual-motor coordination; however, no improvements were seen in symptoms of hyperactivity. Symptoms returned to pretreatment baseline levels after a one-month wash-out. Only one case of mild gastric discomfort was reported. These findings should be regarded as preliminary pending replication by large prospective studies.
Placebo Medicine Capsule
Placebo medicines in capsules really have an effect!&nbsp;This has been proven many times. The user fully knows that they are taking&nbsp; a chemically inert ingredient, yet&nbsp;the majority of repondents say it has a positive&nbsp;effect. Such is the power of our minds!&nbsp;These are well worth a try.&nbsp; &nbsp;120 Capsules/bottle&nbsp; Order Formula PM-C</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>For more information:,in%20their%20symptoms%20or%20condition.</p>
Scientists recommendTrusted Source increased regulation and guidelines for polyphenol supplements to ensure safety.Scientists recommendTrusted Source increased regulation and guidelines for polyphenol supplements to ensure safety. Research from 2007Trusted Source and 2019 indicates that polyphenol supplements may interact with certain medications, affecting drug effectiveness. It�s important to talk with your doctor if you�re taking medication and are interested in trying polyphenol supplements. Getting polyphenols through a balanced diet is recommended. Research on whether taking a polyphenol supplement may improve ADHD symptoms is lacking. ...PURE SYNERGY Super B-Complex | Vitamin B Complex Made with Organic Whole Foods | Vegan Supplement with Natural Vitamin B12, Niacin, and Folate | for Energy, Focus and Mood Support (60 Tablets)
Probiotic 30 billion CFU
Pycnogenol (French Maritime Pine Bark)
Rape Seed
Recommended by (insert your name here)
Research on whether taking a polyphenol supplement may improve ADHD symptoms is lacking. ...PURE SYNERGY Super B-Complex | Vitamin B Complex Made with Organic Whole Foods | Vegan Supplement with Natural Vitamin B12, Niacin, and Folate | for Energy, Focus and Mood Support (60 Tablets)
Rhodiola Rosea
A 2012 studyTrusted Source found that people had better scores for speed and accuracy in thinking activities after exposure to the aroma of rosemary oil.
Saffron, is used for more than culinary purposes. This therapeutic spice has shown to be beneficial as both an adjunctive therapy with stimulant medication and as an independent treatment option for ADHD. The bioactive constituents of saffron may increase reuptake inhibition of dopamine and norepinephrine and may function as both N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonists and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-a agonists. In a six-week randomized double-blind study children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years were randomized to methylphenidate (20 to 30 mg/d) or saffron capsules (20 to 30 mg/d). Participants who received saffron capsules showed equivalent improvement on both parent and teacher symptom rating scales.17 Both treatments were well tolerated. Large long-term placebo-controlled studies are needed to confirm these findings and to investigate the efficacy of saffron in individuals with comorbid mood and anxiety disorders.
A Do-It-Yourself project
St. John's Wort
St. John�s wort, is often recommended for children with ADHD, but research shows that it helps with mood disorders, not ADHD. A study on using St. John�s wort to treat ADHD reached the same conclusion: It did not help. This study was discussed in the June 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. View the study abstract.
Ten Mushroom Complex
Medicinal mushrooms are great for working and studying&nbsp;to utilize your brain power for peak mental memory and focus. Contains Lions Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail, Chaga, Agaricus, Bisporous, and Auricuaria auricula.&nbsp;Mushrooms also contain&nbsp;antioxidants and immune defense properties for a strong immune system.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Read more about antioxidents.</p><p></p><p></p>
Vetiver Oil
Findings from 2016Trusted Source noted that rats were better able to focus after inhaling vetiver, an essential oil. However, more research is necessary to see if the same applies to humans.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B Series Combo
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C Gummies
Vitamin D
Newer research shows that children with ADHD have lower vitamin D levels than children without the condition. One study showed that expectant mothers with low vitamin D levels had a higher likelihood of their children having ADHD. There are no studies showing that giving vitamin D to children with ADHD improves their symptoms. Nevertheless, I would check vitamin D levels and supplement if the levels are low or even borderline low.
Although vitamins are synonymous with health leading to an intuitive appeal to this approach, there is a lack of scientific evidence to support that these additives exert a significant difference in the lives of children with ADHD. Although these substances are natural which lends an aura of safety, excessive use of these substances can in fact cause health problems.
Watch this space. Check back for updates.
Wholesome Diet
Nutrition can have a profound impact on neurocognitive function and behavior. Consuming a whole-food diet, void of additives, artificial dyes, and sugars, can profoundly affect symptom severity. Food sensitivities, widespread culprits like gluten and dairy, can also play a role in ADHD. If you suspect food sensitivities, running a comprehensive IgG panel like the 184 IgG Food Sensitivity Panel by Alletess Medical Laboratory can identify your reactive foods.
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